
Katie's Magical Eggcellent Eggventure (Prologue)

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Katie’s Magical Eggcellent Eggventure: Katie the Egg
A “What If” Story by John Pattison
Original character “Kate” by MAGartist

A followup to JoExpandable’s “Katie the Egg” story

Katie the maid was usually a happy and very carefree girl who worked as a maid cleaning up many knickknacks and rare stuff for many people. But today wasn’t Katie’s lucky day mainly due to eating the egg and becoming one afterwards. As she was keeping her new found balance, she saw the maroon Dusenberg coming right over to the house with the owner in it about to go to the door.

After hearing the unlocking of the door from the said car, Katie tried to move, but could only waddle 3 ft from where she was at. “Oh me oh my, why did I have to eat that egg? I didn’t know that egg would have transformed me into a 50ft sized human egg! What am I to do? ” Suddenly, she heard a voice from the forest that was near the mysterious man’s house say to her“do not worry cute looking little maid girl. You shall be safe and sound as long as you have your will to live you will survive. Don’t panic.” After hearing that voice, she turned her head around for a sec if there was anyone near her where she was. But sadly, no one was there. “I must be hearing things or that egg I swallowed and expanded into has made me mad as a hatter. Ohhhhhh I feel like I’m Alice caught up in something that has to do with my head being chopped off from the Queen of Hearts. My panties are so stretched out to extra proportions that I can even barely move, except my hands of course.” Then all of a sudden, the mysterious man was coming near to her location, unlocking the next doors that was next to where she was. “Eep, he’s coming in to check outside, what to do WHAT TO DO?” question poor Katie as she was trying her best to keep calm and not panic in her unlikely state. “Relax, help shall be on the way!” said the echoing voice from the forest again. “You know, I’m starting to think that someone is trying to help me in my condition. I just hope I’m not cracking up, no pun intended, for what’s about to happen to me and the guy I’m working with!” Katie decided to take one deep breath and try to move more. She then had her left foot push her body and then decided to keep wobbling as if she was like a penguin. Unfortunately, Katie only moved 5 inches, not helping her 50 ft condition she was in.

Suddenly, she heard the door open from the mysterious man was now near her position. “OH NO!” as Katie stated to herself in her mind. “Hello? Is that you Katie?” questioned the mysterious man in a quiet non threating voice. He then asked her again and saw a big 50ft maid standing right next to her. “I said, are you outside Katie?” Katie could no longer hold back her quietness and bended her head down for a little bit to say “yes I am here.”

As Katie looked down, she saw him as a what looked to be 33 year old scientist like person with a brown fedora like hat and a trenchcoat stating “science is man’s creation to conquer the gods and the morons” as well as a monocle on his right eye covering his blind eye already.“Well well well, what happened to you you silly girl? Did you happen to eat a special egg that just exploded into nothing after eating it?” stated the mysterious man. “Yes, it had a sweet, chewy but delicious taste along with the softness I didn’t expect coming from what looked to be a wonderful treat” stated Kate as she was looking down on the mysterious man, “I could have not eaten it if it didn’t taste so heavenly nor deliciously.” “What you just ate was a special experimental egg called the Egg of Growth, which, surprise surprise, made you huger than I thought it would be” stated the mysterious man “However, were you surprised that you grew into an egg afterwards and mainly tried to run away from me?” question the mysterious man in an angry tone. Kate was scared at this moment and moved her hands flapping as if she was a bird, ready to try to leave. “YES! I wasn’t too sure if you were mad enough to take out my paycheck and also do something bad to me. I’m actually thinking that I might as well explode in this kind of state mainly due to my unawareness and stupidity. Oh PLEASE forgive me! “cried out Katie as she was crying with tears coming down right into her black maid dress. “Oh no, I’m not angry with you Ms. Katie for this has happened before” said the mysterious man. “Oh that’s good, I couldn’t have been this stupid to fall for this now could I?” said Kate in a relieved state as she bended her body only 20 degrees to relax her giant egg body. “Well of course you would have fell for this sort of trick because I had this set up for unexpected maids like yourself as I, WaterNoose Creosote, knew this was going to happen again.” “Happen again?” questioned a confused and yet scarred Kate, “what do you mean that you knew this was going to happen again? Doesn’t that mean I’m not the only girl who has transformed into this?” questioned Kate. “Oh heavens no, you are indeed the 8th maid I’ve had where she has either eaten either an egg or fruit and has transformed into this kind of state. So far, you have expanded bigger than the other girl I had before hand” stated WaterNoose as he was keeping his cool. “So does this mean that you can cure me out of my bigger state Mr. Creosote? While my body feels eggish, I don’t want to live like this. I will promise to you I won’t do it again” said Kate tipping her head down to her payer as Mr. Creosote was starring at her pink panties and touching her tummy.

“Hehehehey, stop that, that kinda tickles. Teehee!” “Well I hope you do realize that it would be the case” said Mr. Creosote. “HOORAY! Maybe everything will be alright” said Katie in a very blushful manor as she was blushing happily as she swore that everything might be alright and she would go back to her normal state. “However, YOU MUST BE PUNISHED as I am peckish for human girl omlettes today” stated WaterNoose as he was snickering in a demonic and evil laugh. “Do you know what happened to the other 7 girls that did have their transformations to them?” asked WaterNoose. “Um, did they get cured and no harm done? Because if you have a cure I would like to be given that cure because I don’t think I would get anywhere in this state Mr. Creosote.” said Katie. “Well, let me explain” said Mr. Creosote. As Katie listened, it shocked her in a sense to what her expectations would have given her. Then Mr. Creosote stated to her “Well, let me list all 6 girls before hand. Mary, Jackie, Christine, Lesley, Natalie, Haley and Christina. All the girls that I have mentioned before hand have had a similar fate to where you are at you idiotic girl. Mary turned into an egg just like you, but she only expanded only 30 ft, having a heavy bottom like state. Jackie turned into an apple, making her my most prized possession out of all the transformations until you came along. Christine became an egg, but only grew only 20ft, which made her an agile opponent for me to tame her…..” “What do you mean ‘tame’ her? What did she do wrong?” asked a confused Katie. “Well, let’s just say that she didn’t follow orders, so I had to put her down and she didn’t respond properly…… But enough of her…….” “WAIT! I would like to hear Christine end story because she might help me as well!” said Katie in a happy like state “SILENCE you dimwitted git!” screamed Mr. Creosote as Katie clenched her fisted and tightened her feet in a scarred like state “I would never reveal her end because it would have been TOO GRUESOME. Anyway, Lesley and Natalie, the only two twins I ever had on my maid list, turned into a pear and blueberry respectively, which wasn’t too difficult to ‘juice their guts out’ as a genius like myself. Haley turned into a peach, which I did try to talk to her like a “perfect human” as I am but I had no choice but to do something to her. And finally, Christina turned into an orange after she wanted a fruit because she loved oranges the most” stated Mr. Creosote.

After hearing the story, Katie was wondering “so did the girls survive? Were the girls rescued from their explosive state? What happened to all of the girls afterwards?” So many questions Kate wondered so little time. “So did they get cured after all? That’s what I would like to know.” “Well, I’m not going to tell as I have told you too much. And for that, you will be my breakfast for today” stated Mr. Creosote as he pressed an unexpected remote that showed that his house had giant claws that was looked like as if it could grab anything bigger than a chestnut tree.

“WOAHHHH!!!!” gasped Kate “what are you going to do exactly Mr. Creosote?” “Well, you think you can be cured, but I have decided to not to try to even do that as your carcass might be a great trophy for me to hang your body on my wall. However, since you are so adorable and innocent, I have no choice but to crack your body and try to use your body as a trophy” stated Mr. Creosote. “Oh my god! That’s horrible! You can’t do this to me because I wasn’t trying to hurt your knickknacks or anything like that. PLEASE, for the love of god and that is holy, please don’t eat me! I don’t want to end up as an omelet for a crazed psychopath. Please return to my original state and maybe we can forfeit a heartwarming apology” pleaded poor Kate as she was scarred seeing the giant metallic pointy claws of doom going to grab her body. “Oh don’t worry, I’m going to try to make you into my greatest trophy ever yet. Because I won’t cure you in your condition as there was no cure to begin with and what I did to the other girls……. Well, let’s just say that the others didn’t come out too bright. So sorry I have to KILL you here, but don’t worry, as a maid, you were indeed extraordinary to survive this, but you were so stupid enough to fall into my trap. Now it’s time for breakfast and you’re my QUIZINE for today!” shouted Mr. Creosote as he was laughing in a maniac like voice.

Katie saw the claws coming right for her body as she was too petrified to even move in any manor. As she gasped in a painful like state, she thought to her mind “Please god, help me as I don’t want to turn into a female omlet! I’m too young to be someone else’s food!” as she clenched her hands even harder and her feet clenched to her body like a watermelon ready to be popped with tears in her eyes as she knew her fate was going to be painful. “Goodbye my friends at the Maid academy. I should have never eaten that egg on accident” as she clenched her teeth even harder for she was about to die here.

Suddenly, a gleaming shine of light appeared out of nowhere and slashed both the mechanical octopus like hands right out of nowhere, destroying the humongous arms that were going to penetrate her body. “Ooooh!” cried out Kate as she saw two warriors in front of her. As Katie looked up in her eggish like body, she saw two shadows stand in front of her as if they were going to rescue her in her awful state. In appearance, one warrior looked to be an orange girl with a 50 ft bloated body, the same size as Kate was, red jacket with black stripes on the back, a light red shirt with a white star on the front, black biking glove on the right hand, golden ponytail, brown eyes, beautiful face, and what looked to be dark orange underwear with gray armor on the sides carrying a giant oar sword with her. Then she saw a 60ft egg warrior who looked to have an appearance of a mage with a white coat, a hood that carried flame jagged edges on her front, black and white underwear with a small belt holding the mage’s pants together, and tutu shoes to boot. “Were my prayers been answered? Did god send these two to help me?” asked Kate in her mind as she was blushing with joy as she was going to be rescued. “Who are you guys? And where did you come from exactly?” questioned Katie. As Katie asked this question, the white mage like person stated in a serious feminine like tone“there is no time to ask questions little adorable egg maid. You must bounce your way out of this place as it will be your only chance to get out of here before you get hurt in the process!” “But I can’t move my body! Only my hands and feet have that process to do so!” stated Katie in a panicking manor. As Kate was panicking, the female orange girl stated “well then allow me to help you learn how to move without moving then!” The orange warrior girl then lifted Kate up into the air by lifting up where Kates pink panties would be as if Kate was like a 16 ton weight. “WOAH! What are you doing little orange warrior? I don’t think this might help! In fact, I might crack if you bounced me like this!” said Kate. “Don’t worry, you might think that at first, but you’ll be surprised at what you’re body will be doing afterwards, thanking you in the process. And don’t panic, just head to the forest and we will explain later. Now GO!” shouted the Orange Female Warrior. As the orange warrior slammed Katie onto the ground like a giant basketball, Kate heard a loud “boing!” as she was starting to bounce. Katie was up on the air as she couldn’t believe she was bouncing like a basketball! Then she heard a “glunk” after falling down again. “Woah, what’s happening? Where am I going? How will I able to balance? How is it possible without myself cracking all of a sudden? Is this even possibl……….WOOOOOAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!” as she kept bouncing faster and faster as if she was like a bolder. She then started to remind herself of Violet Beauregarde in a sense of how she was rolling.

While bouncing in an unexpected manor, she closed her eyes and never looked back. “Oh god help me! I can’t control this anymore! How am I able to see?” as she kept bouncing further and further down the line. She then started to bounce upfront again and exhaled “whew! That was close! Thank goodness I kept my balance there.” As Katie started to bounce, she also reminded herself of her favorite character Tigger with all the bouncing he did, reminding her that she might as well just become Tigger for all that is worth. As she looked up into the midnight sky, Katie said to herself “I don’t get it anymore? Who were those two guys? How am I not cracking in my condition as an egg? I must have suddenly adapted to my new body. But how is it all possible? I’ve got to hide somewhere safe! Somewhere clear where I might find a doctor to cure my problem. Suddenly, she was heading for the dark forest. As she sailed through the trees, she heard some missiles coming right towards her. She turned her head and exhaled “oh my, shell bombers are on my tail” reminding her of some lessons she saw during her maid days as she was working for the Jet Fighters at a university once.

She kept bouncing faster, kept dodging trees more quicker, as the missiles were getting closer and closer to her body. Katie then jumped onto a missile with a loud “BOING!” as she butt stomped it into submission with her pink undies as well as her pink tights. “Wow! I didn’t know I could do that! As a maid that was just awesome!” said Katie in a happy like state. The second missile was about to go near her. “Ding Ding Round 2 for this one” Once again, dodging trees like no tomorrow and making sure her black maid dress with white apron was still in tact, she then decided to hop onto the tree branches, bouncing on each one as if she was like a speeding bullet, propelling her in a train like state. The missile caught off guard and accidentally missed the target, which was Katie, and accidentally hit one of the trees Katie was targeting too. This automatically exploded the missile without eany animals getting hurt in the process. “Yippie! The second missile is down and I’m totally safe” stated Katie in a gleeful voice as she was about to smack right dab into a giant orange tree that she forgot to watch out for. SMACK! “Awwwooouch! Gasp” cried Katie “Ompf” as she fell right from the tree and rolled into the ground in a peaceful manner. Her body rolled to a small lake and a larger to life treehouse that Kate smacked right into, stopping Kate on her back and making Kate confused and dazed. “Woah! What’s happening? Am I about to crack? Where am I in this forest? Why am I losing focus? So many questions unanswered so little ti……….” Exclaimed Kate as she was all confused with swirly eyes and stars floating around her. She then feel asleep and blanked out, never realizing that she herself was about to go on a magical adventure that would teach her not only about her new found powers, but about friendship as well….

To Be Continued.
Since I decided I wanted to make a story up for my friend JoExpandable and MAGArist, this is a what-if story if it were to continue to how Katie just became a 50ft egg as well as continue Katie's story.

Katie belongs to MAGArtist
Story based on JoExpandable's "Katie the Egg"
© 2014 - 2024 IncredibleMrPattison
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JoExpandable's avatar
Very interesting interpretation!